Renewable energy market is nowadays in a fast growing and development stage. Technology evolution update is continuously related with international economical situation. K3E actively works in the energy sector developing in both Chinese and European markets products and investment opportunities, according to the current market mainstream requirements. |
Relying on strong connections with Chinese wind generators supply chain players, K3E supports the clients in the development of custom made products in compliance with the most advanced European standards. A complete service spanning from supplier selection, design customization, to ultimate production and products delivery is systematically led to ensure total process reliability to the final client. |
K3E selects and cooperates with worldwide experienced hydraulic power generation suppliers including water turbines with diameters of 0.5 meters, generators with unit capacity from 1MW to 100MWs. We have provided expertise viewpoints on Francis Turbines, Kaplan Turbines and Pelton Turbines with our credible, reliable and competitive supplying of products and services. |
K3E developed CSP products and equipment knowledge on the major technologies available in the solar concentration sector. Together with prime level players K3E explored the Chinese CSP market and led the implementation process on vacuum tubes receivers and parabolic mirror technology. |